Fierce bright star
Twinkle, twinkle, fierce bright star,From first breath your light shines far.Bravely, with your head held high,You face each day. You smile. You cry.Twinkle, twinkle, fierce bright star,Your journey here can...
Fierce bright star
Twinkle, twinkle, fierce bright star,From first breath your light shines far.Bravely, with your head held high,You face each day. You smile. You cry.Twinkle, twinkle, fierce bright star,Your journey here can...
On creating
ideas rise upand swim through depths to drown inthirsty surface thoughts
On creating
ideas rise upand swim through depths to drown inthirsty surface thoughts
Outside within
Overwhelming thoughtsemptiness overspills tofind outside within
Outside within
Overwhelming thoughtsemptiness overspills tofind outside within