What about the World Record?
Physically, I was pushed to my limits, training was a priority, but there is never enough training for the real thing, especially when life gets in the way.
Mentally, I had already completed the course and was planning the next adventure before it had even begun! Some called me crazy. My mother calls it being stubborn. I call it being passionate about life.
The thousands of images, hundreds of videos, sets of records, data points for GPS, they’re all in a box now. Each time I started to compile the event so that I could apply for the World Record, my brain would freeze with the overwhelm of emotion, I’d have to take a step back to reconsider putting my mind through the whole course again. It deserves to be recognised, the people who volunteered to support me along the way deserve to be rewarded for their generosity, time and even financial support. With due diligence the record will be submitted in time, before then I hope to create my graphic novel memoir. Perhaps through illustrating and writing about it from an observer’s point of view I will be better able to dig into the actual records again and finally apply for that elusive Guinness World Record.
Thank you! Diolch!